What is a photocall and what is this advertising display for?

que es un photocall

Are you planning a party or event? Before organizing anything, it is very important that you know what a Photocall is and what you need it for in your celebration. It is an element that will add glamour to any occasion and nowadays a party without this display is not a good party.

Its use for events began at the parties of famous or important people, but now it has become so popular that they cannot be absent even at weddings. We are in the era of social networks and photographs, so what better way than to give your guests a beautiful space designed to create memories.

photocall de prensa

What is a photocall for and why is it important at events?

A Photocall is a decorative element designed and installed so that the people who attend that event, party or celebration can remember that day thanks to a simple image. They can create memories to remember that moment or to remember those people with whom they are taking the photo.

Apart from providing your attendees with that opportunity, it also serves to give a brand image and show possible sponsors of the event. Indirectly, you will be promoting your brand and your collaborators, since many of your guests will publish the images on their social networks, at no cost.

Additionally, as we have said, it is a decorative element, so if we place it in a visible place, it will be able to add that touch that your event was missing. They are often located near the entrance, so it will be one of the first things that attendees will see when they arrive at the place where the event is organized.

It is the perfect resource to make unforgettable events while ensuring the impact of your corporate message during and after the event.

photocall para eventos

Professional tips to design a successful photocall

Open Print wants to help you get the dream photocall you are looking for. That is why we are going to explain a series of necessary considerations that you should analyze before designing and setting up your event photocall.

It is true that everything will depend on the type of celebration you carry out, the attendees who are invited, the objective of the event, the time of year and a thousand other things. But we want to give you a little guide to get started.

First, you must decide or create the design of your photocall. We always advise that this part be done by an expert or person who is dedicated to graphic design and has experience. This way you will ensure optimal results. If you decide to do the whole design yourself, these tips will help you:

1. Use quality images

It is very important that you make sure to make your design of the highest possible quality since a photocall is a large element to which people will pay a lot of attention, so the quality of the image will be greatly appreciated.

2. Be creative

If you want the design to be successful and attract the attention of attendees to take pictures, you must be very creative and original. Try not to abuse corporate logos and follow the lines of the event and your brand or company.

3. Use colors well

As we said, it is vitally important that your photocall follows the colors of your corporate palette or the theme of the party, so that everything is homogeneous and people remember your brand image. Positioning in the mind of the consumer is a very important factor for the sales of your products or services.

Once its design has been created and the printing and assembly services have been carried out, we propose a series of steps to take that will attract as many people as possible to the party.

4. Use the right size

This factor will depend on the space chosen for the photocall, the width of the space, the height of the ceiling … But at Open Print we propose our standard size, 200x200cm, which you can find in our Online Store. This measure is the most appropriate for any event and with which you will get the most out of your exhibitor.

5. Choose a good location

A good location is essential to achieve the maximum number of possible glances. This kind of advertising display should be placed in a visible place, ideally from most parts of the party venue, and easily accessible. If your celebration is outdoors, we advise you to put the photocall as protected as possible from atmospheric agents that may occur that day.

6. Include themed accessories

People love to laugh and goof around once in a while. For this reason, including accessories that have to do with the theme of the event will make the guests want to have a good time taking photos with their friends or colleagues.

7. Choose a good Photographer

An excellent design or location is useless if the photos of the photocall are not ideal. Hiring a reputable photographer who takes professional images is essential to entice guests to post their studio photos on their social media.

What types of photocalls does OpenPrint offer?

At Open Print we are specialists in printing advertising such as photocalls, having covered all the advertising printing needs for hundreds of international events. Our large format printing machinery guarantees sustainable production as well as the use of certified environmentally friendly inks.

Our personalized photocalls are the perfect choice to achieve the desired atmosphere in any celebration or event, taking advantage of the printing capacity of this support to transmit messages, make an impact with colorful designs or show the logo of our collaborators and make them feel important.

In our Online printing Store, you can easily buy two types with high-quality materials and unbeatable image sharpness. In addition, thanks to their folding structure they are very easy to transport and assemble in the desired place in a matter of minutes.

Custom photocall

Our custom photocall is a star product made with resistant fabric mounted on a telescopic aluminum structure that adapts perfectly to any printing measure, which allows the structure to be recovered once its function is finished and then reuse with another design, the best way to be sustainable.

If what you want is to attract people, provide personality and exclusivity whether in a business event, advertising or a birthday, a personalized exhibitor is what you are looking for. It is a very visual tool that helps you achieve the success you need in your event.

It is also printed on a 510 gram PVC Frontlit banner with great resistance and flexibility. It is ductile and robust material of the first quality. We carry out the four-color process on one or two sides, at the request of the clients. All in a sturdy, telescopic aluminum frame that stands firmly. It has measures of 200×200 cm.

photocall personalizado

X banner

The X-Banner is an advertising display known for its cross-shaped rear structure, made of fiberglass and aluminum with plastic parts. It is portable, lightweight, and very easy to assemble, including a carrying bag for convenient handling.

It is a visual advertising tool that seeks to attract the attention of potential customers. This makes X-Banners a highly demanded advertising method, due to their lightness and easy handling. The simple structure facilitates its assembly and disassembly because its polyester sheet and PVC canvas can be unfolded from the rest of the structure.

photocal xbanner


We hope this article has helped you and that your next party is a success. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

If you want advice on the types of existing photocalls and know which one best suits your needs, count on us.

Remember that if you need to print a format other than the one we offer in our online printing press, you can request a non-binding quote or contact our team and we will give you a personalized price for the one that you need.

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